Learning is our core purpose at Greensprings School where we adopt a child-centered approach.
Our learning and teaching policy emphasises the importance of exciting, relevant and challenging lessons to prepare our learners for life.
Excellent teaching is the basis for personalised support so that each student can achieve their best.
How learning is organised:

In Pre school, our Montessori methodology is committed to serving children of all religious and ethnic backgrounds between the ages of 2 to 5 years. We follow the basic Montessori philosophy incorporating art, music and movement, dance, gymnastics, computer and outdoor play activities.

In our classrooms we use age-appropriate activities and learning tools, to create a flexible environment to meet the needs and interests of every child in our care.
While we strongly feel that Pre-school years need to be full of nurturing and praise, we take pride in teaching independence and preparing our children for the years ahead of them.
5 to 11 years (Elementary School)

Teaching from the age of 5 is by subject and is conducted by highly qualified specialist staff. This is a special feature of Greensprings School and gives children from an early age contact with subject specialists, not available to many children in other settings until secondary school. Our classes average around 20 pupils.

Our curriculum and assessment procedures take into account the British National Primary Framework. The Elementary School curriculum, in addition to the core subjects of English, mathematics and science, includes history, geography, information technology, music, art, physical education, French and Nigerian cultural studies (NCS).
Our focus over the next academic year is to have standard assessment tests at Key stages 1, 2 and 3. This gives us an objective assessment of each learner’s progress and allows us to monitor their academic progress.
Secondary School (11 to 16 years)

In Years 7, 8 and 9 students are taught in mixed ability groups for most subjects. We use the information from the Year 7 Entrance Exam and our own internal assessments to make sure students are rightly placed. In Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) all students learn through a common course of study that is differentiated to meet their needs and interests. English, mathematics and science are given high priority. Humanities, creative arts, Modern Foreign Languages subjects, as well as PE and games provide a well rounded education in active learning environment.

English Language and literature, mathematics and science, French provide the core curriculum for all. Single sciences in biology, chemistry and physics are proving popular. In the Post 16 School we offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

In Years 10 and 11, students are taught in different groups for all subjects, depending on their choice of subjects for Key Stage 4. We provide different routes for learning that builds on the students’ successes at Key Stage 3. Students can achieve between 10 to 12 IGCSE, depending on their chosen subjects and extra opportunities presented to them.
At this stage of our Learning Programme, Greensprings School has adopted a world-wide recognised experience that enables our graduands to excel in any part of the world with their leaving qualifications. It is accepted in most top universities around the world.
Over the course of the two-year programme, students:
- Study six subjects chosen from the six subject groups
- Complete an extended essay
- Follow a theory of knowledge course (TOK)
- Participate in creativity, action, service (CAS).
- Three of the six subjects are studied at higher level (courses representing 240 teaching hours)
- The remaining three subjects are studied at standard level (courses representing 150 teaching hours).
Homework is set regularly and in all subjects, with increasing degree of dedication as students get older. We monitor the homework being set to maintain high standards.
We also insist on students recording their homework in their personal planners and ask parents to check these every day. We encourage parents to support their child by providing a quiet space and time for homework, taking an interest in the set tasks and providing praise and encouragement.
Enrichment and extra-curricular