
Students Embark on UK Expedition for Duke of Edinburgh Awards

Over 30 students embarked on a trip to Leeds, United Kingdom from Saturday 22nd July to Monday 31st July in partial fulfilment of the requirement for obtaining their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze/Silver Award.

The expedition was designed to challenge participants physically, mentally, and emotionally and our students were segmented into different groups for this expedition based on their award level (bronze and silver).

Each level had specific requirements in terms of duration, difficulty, and complexity. One of which mandated the students to walk for a number of kilometres over days while migrating from one campsite to another daily. Each participant progressed as they gained experience and developed their skills.

Duke of Edinburgh International Expedition 2023

During the program, our students displayed a high level of self-discipline. For this reason, their conduct throughout the expedition was described as “exceptional” by the International vendors.

The DoE Awards offers a great advantage to students when applying to schools around the world as it demonstrates a commitment to well-rounded personal development beyond academic pursuits, which is appealing to schools looking for versatile and engaged students.

Duke of Edinburgh International Expedition 2023

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Expedition, often referred to simply as the DofE, is a youth development program that takes place every year at the start of the summer holiday in the United Kingdom. It aims to empower young people aged 14 to 24 to develop essential life skills, build resilience, and foster personal growth through a series of activities and challenges.


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