Category Archives: Blog

10 Best Toddler Books For Your Child’s Library

Gathering the best toddler books for your child can be overwhelming as there are countless options for books of all sizes, images, themes, and formats. However, it is important to know that when buying books for your toddler, your choices should strike a balance between fun, learning, and challenging. Each book should also encourage your […]

valentine greetings card
5 Awesome Family Valentine Ideas Your Kids Would Truly Love

Most times, when people talk about Saint Valentine’s Day, what comes to mind is love sharing between daddy and mummy; hence, the kids are often forgotten. But as a school that is child-centred and family-oriented, we are a proponent of Valentine’s Day being a love-sharing celebration among all family members. Therefore, in this post, we will talk […]

vision board for kids
A Parent’s Guide To Create Vision Board for Kids

Vision Board for kids is a collection of words, phrases and images that represent what a child hopes to achieve in a set time. It is important to know that every child has something that they want to bring to life and without it being clearly stated, it will be wearisome to direct their efforts […]

Unique Family Gift Ideas for Christmas
8 Unique Family Gift Ideas for Christmas

The magic of Christmas is found not just in shimmering lights and glittering decorations, but also in cherished traditions that bring families closer together. Among these traditions, is the gesture of giving. It is a way to communicate thoughtfulness and overall love for one another. It promotes a sense of connection and appreciation. The act […]

AI Parenting
AI Parenting: How to Talk to Your Kids about Generative AI

In recent years, generative AI, such as ChatGPT and Bard by Google, has experienced a notable surge in popularity. Many individuals are now incorporating this technology into their daily lives, and children aren’t an exception – with a growing number of them actively engaging with content-creating AI systems. Even though today’s kids can use generative […]

AI for kids
AI for Kids: 10 Websites Your Child Can Easily Learn AI and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important due to the rise in its systems and applications. The world is radically being changed by this technology as there is hardly anything in use that AI is not influencing. Our kids today are growing up surrounded by applications of AI, from chatbots to virtual assistants, search engines, […]

Nutrition For Kids: 6 Essential Guidelines to a Healthy Diet

In today’s world where everything is fast-paced, many parents don’t put a lot of thought into providing appropriate nutrition for their kids. To save time and meet-up with the demands of work, they serve their children with junk food and other unhealthy foods. But according to a publication on News-Medical, fast foods can lead to […]

Children's Day Activities
10 Exciting Children’s Day Activities For A Memorable Day

As this year’s Children’s Day approaches, it’s another time to celebrate the joy, wonder, and boundless energy that our children bring into our lives. It is also the perfect occasion to engage in activities that will not only make their day extra special but also create lasting memories.  The task of coming up with exciting […]

Parental involvement in School
10 Benefits of Parental Involvement in Schools

Parental involvement in school is integral to the academic achievement and overall success of children, among other benefits. According to research, children whose parents participate actively in their schooling process have been discovered to excel better than children whose parents are passively involved. However, parental involvement in school is sometimes minimal due to barriers like […]

how to talk to your child about puberty
How To Talk To Your Child About Puberty

The puberty phase is a critical one in your child’s life due to the significant changes that your child experiences. Your child needs to understand the changes that occur in his/her body and the ways of dealing with these changes.  As a parent, you have the responsibility of explaining puberty to your child. It is […]