
Class 19 Graduation
2019 End-of-Session Graduation Ceremonies in Our School

As we ended the 2018/2019 session, we had graduation ceremonies in all our school categories – from preschool to IB Diploma. The events were graced by families, friends, and well-wishers. Below are the scenes from the ceremonies across our campuses – Anthony, Lekki and Ikoyi. Ikoyi Campus Preschool Graduation   View this post on Instagram […]

talented child
Talent Discovery: How to Find the Sweet Spot of Your Child

Talent discovery – finding the sweet spot of children – has become a major and widely discussed topic online and beyond. The gospel of “what does my child do best?” has become increasingly important. Popular questions and topics around talent discovery include: What does my child do easily and naturally well? What can my child […]

12 Things You Should Say to Your Children More Often
12 Things You Should Say to Your Children More Often

The child-parent relationship is one that sets the foundation for identity and character formation in any given individual. To say the least, it is one of the most powerful bonds that can exist between two people. The right words and actions can go a long way to inspire self-confidence, positive behavioural patterns and acceptable social […]

Parents teacher meeting
Teacher-Parent Relationship: How It Affects the Success of the Child

Parents provide children with their first learning experiences, starting with eating, sitting, walking, colouring at kindergarten, writing and reading at school etc. Since parents help their kids in establishing their basic developmental milestones in life they can also help them do well at school. Therefore reinforcing a strong parent-teacher partnership would be an indisputable strategy […]

Ms Brocklesby Farewell Ceremony: Celebrating a Legacy of Exemplary Service

On Thursday 27th June, 2019, we officially bid our Director of Education, Ms Helen Brocklesby, farewell as she moves on to the next phase of her career. Ms Brocklesby is a self-directed, strategic and innovative senior educational leader. She joined us five years ago with a passionate commitment to student development and learning experience. As […]

secondary school
5 Questions To Ask When Visiting Secondary Schools In Nigeria

It is always a stressful process for parents when it comes to choosing a secondary school for their children.  By the time students are in Year 6, also referred to as Primary 6, most parents are usually agitated about the choice of secondary school. Often times, they are quick in making irrational decisions without considering […]

Cambridge award
Our students emerge top in the country for the third time in a row in Cambridge IGCSE exam

In what will be referred to as a consistent achievement of academic excellence, our students once again top the country in the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) exam. It can be recalled that in 2016, Honour Olatunji, a student of our school topped the world in Mathematics IGCSE, and this year, 5 students […]

2019 Father’s Day Celebration in Our Campuses

Father’s Day is a historical day observed all over the world to appreciate fathers and to encourage them not to relent in their contributions to the development of the family, especially the children. The celebration took a new turn as children, teachers and members of Greensprings School across Lekki, Ikoyi and Anthony campuses set out […]

Health Education in Nigerian Schools: Why It Is Important

Health Education in Nigerian schools should be given priority. This is because it helps school students learn skills they will use to make healthy choices throughout their lifetime. How Important is Health Education in Nigerian Schools? The following facts highlight the importance of health education in Nigerian schools:   A lot of health challenges that […]

2019 IB Diploma Graduation in Grand Style

It was an emotional atmosphere but a grand style celebration as our 2019 graduating International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) students said goodbye to Greensprings School, on the 7th of June. The graduation ceremony was held in the hall of our Lekki campus, and in attendance were parents, teachers, head of schools, and other well-wishers. One […]